Minamoto no Sueto (源季遠)

MINAMOTO no Sueto (year of birth and death unknown) was a busho (Japanese military commander) and a poet in the late Heian Period. He was a retainer of TAIRA no Tadamori and TAIRA no Kiyomori. MINAMOTO no Suesada, Taifu hogan (police and judicial chief with the fifth rank), who was Samurai-Daisho (commander of warriors) of the Taira family was his son.

As a poet

He was not a famous poet, although his work was selected for 'Chokusen Wakashu' (Anthology of Japanese Poetry compiled by Imperial command) ('Shika Wakashu' (Shika Collection of Japanese Poems)) as well as his son MINAMOTO no Suesada's ('Senzai Wakashu' (Collection of Japanese Poems of a Thousand Years)).

Representative poem

I don't know how the spring breeze makes a knot in the branch of the green willow when ice melts (Shika Wakashu)

As a warrior

He was known only as a retainer of the Taira family. Though his son Suesada was an excellent busho who managed the territory, the logistic support and the front operation, there is no similar story of similar caliber concerning Sueto.


Tachihaki no toneri (guard of the crown prince) when Emperor Nijo was the crown prince.

Hokumen no Bushi (the Imperial Palace Guards) in the time of Emperor Goshirakawa.

He served as Uhyoe no jo (officer of the Right Division of Middle Palace Guards), Aki no kami (governor of Aki Province) and Kokushi (an officer of local government) in Shinano Province.

Family structure

Adopted father: MINAMOTO no Shigetoki (Mitsumasa line of Seiwa-Genji (Minamoto clan)), serving as Kebiishi (a police and judicial chief), Yamato no kami (governor of Yamato Province) and Echizen no kami (governor of Echizen Province).

Natural father: MINAMOTO no Tadamune (Kawachi-Genji (Minamoto clan), a grandson of MINAMOTO no Yoshiie), an officer of Obu Village in Kazusa Province, called as Genta OBU.

The oldest son: MINAMOTO no Mitsusue (also called Mitsuto), serving as Bungo no kami (governor of Bungo Province).

The second son: MINAMOTO no Suesada, Kebiishi (officials with judicial and police powers).

[Original Japanese]